Isn't She Lovely?

I absolutely luuuuve the cover art, with its concept designed by the talented Kevin Brown of Midnight Ink and the design's flawless execution by illustrator Kim Johnson of Lindgren & Smith.
Acquisition editor Barbara Moore and copy editor Connie Hill combined efforts to make the finished story-product shine and flow like quicksilver, and the back cover copy, worked and fine-tuned by Amy Martin, also of Midnight Ink, gives just the right combination of intrigue, romance, and slapstick.
Finally holding the finished product in my hands, I'm one happy girl!
It looks GREAT, Susan! What a treat, after your first experiences with cover art. Can't wait for it to come out!
Nice to see you blogging again. And hope our paths cross in person again soon.
Thanks, Beth. I guess books are shipping already. Maria and my friend Craig have both received them.
I agree that Midnight Ink really stepped up to the plate, both on the Little Shop cover and the re-make of the BrigaDOOM cover. Both covers now fit the concept like a glove--or maybe like a size eight Jimmy Choo!
I love this book! :-)
Ahh - if only it were already in stores! I can't wait!
Congratulations on having the finished product!
Thanks, Shel.
It's just arrived at my local Borders, so maybe your wish is granted!
I tried Susan - I checked all our local bookstores and nothing yet. I guess I have to wait until next week!
Thanks, Shel!
If your local store doesn't have it by around March 5th or so, ask them to order it. Or, there's always online.
I just finished Little Shop of Murders. It was very good. Every bit as good as Briga-Doom. I laughed out loud so many times while reading it. Your charaters are great. I can't wait for your next book to come out. I found your books by chance. I wanted a funny mystery and since I have dachshunds, I added that to my search too.. and there you were. Love it, love it love it. Keep em coming. You have a real talent.
Thanks so much. I"m glad you liked the book.
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