<$Susan Goodwill$>

Thursday, November 02, 2006

NaNo NaNo

National Novel Writing Month has gotten off to a rollicking start. With 70,000 participants worldwide this November, the NaNo website experienced snail-paced servers, and as I understand it a crash or two. Not to be daunted, the folks in my "Dirty Dozen" group have been racking up the words. Gabriella in Toronto crossed 4500 words before going off to her crochet class last night. Rick--a flapdoodling 4009-ish before tending his garden of bones and greens in the Carolinas. I move a little slower--about the pace of the NaNo server. But, I am moving forward and writing new words. And surprises are happening. I love the surprises!
It is spitting snowflakes in Michigan and the tea is warm. So are the slippers. Life is good.
Now, if the dogs would just stop barking at the paving company resurfacing the driveway next door, I could get back to the bikers and the Molotov cocktail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you in spirit. My goal: finish _Seeker and Slayer_ by the end of this month. Before I can devote any time, however, I've got three fact checking books to get done... four in a few days, plus other work. Still, I can do it! (As long as I don't burn down my house. I'm having *issues* with my leaky, new wood stove).

You go girl, and all your dirty dozen with you. :-)

Thursday, November 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check those smoke detectors and be careful with that stove.
Get through the 'work' books and on to the Seeker and Slayer world!

Thursday, November 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will do... though which is better, a smokey stove or serial killers? Seeker and Slayer deals with killers. And Mythology. Of course. Actually, probably all three... considering what I already know, 58 pages in and some entertaining conversations with a consultant.

Write on! All of you guys that are doing Nano, you especially Susan. I want to know what happens next!

Friday, November 03, 2006  

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