Booksigning and Atlantis Rising

This weekend I stopped in at my local Barnes & Noble and got my first glimpse of the publicity for my booksigning. Posters of the book cover for BrigaDOOM and my picture adorned the big plate glass windows, and a display table loaded with books and flyers graced the table by the row of cash registers.
It was so exciting to see! I wish I had brought my camera so I could share this. I'll snap a picture at the signing.
It really was one of those moments where it hit me. I am living out my dream!
For those of you local to the Detroit area, the signing is next Saturday, March 31st, 2:00PM-4:00 PM at the Bloomfield Hills Barnes & Noble, 15 Mile and Telegraph.
And speaking of living the dream, I chatted with a friend last night who, get this, hit the bestseller lists this week! As in USA Today, BookScan, B&N. Alyssa Day AKA Alesia Holliday has hit with her break-out paranormal romance "Atlantis Rising." And it's a series.
Congratulations Alyssa!!!
OOH!! I wish I were closer to Detroit!! Have a wonderful time at your first signing!
You better take pictures so that those of us living out the dream vicariously get an emotional boost to the system.
Congrats and well deserved.
The only rule: writers write! Everything else is a guideline.
Thanks. I will get a picture and post it if at all possible.
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