Fishnets, Who knew?

Christina Applegate
After phthalates
Before Phthalates
Kate London, whose adventures I write about in the upcoming Kate London Mystery Series, firmly believes life is too short to wear ugly shoes. Or to pay full price for that matter. She insists that we post from time to time on her favorite topic. I guess I've been Upstaged.
From Kate:
I was at the chiropractor the other day and this woman came in and sat next to me. She wore nondescript pants and a kind of dull shirt, but my Gawd, her feet! She had on these shoes with RED fishnets peeking out from under her gabardines. Red!
I almost cried it was so beautiful...You gotta love today's business attire.
(These shoes are available at on sale for $41.95, by the way. 9% off until March 24th.) You'll have to find your own fishnets.
And speaking of:
AP: MONTEREY, Calif. - A man's pantyhose led to his arrest, authorities said. An unshaven man wearing a black evening gown, fishnet stockings, calf-high boots and a black wig robbed a USA Gas station Monday morning, authorities alleged.
The armed man stuffed $290 in cash into an ensemble-matching black purse.
"I've been with the department for 22 years, and this is the first time I've heard of this happening anywhere here," police Lt. Phil Penko said.
About 35 minutes after the robbery, police Officer Chad Ventimiglia spotted a black Saab with fishnet pantyhose hanging from the front driver's side door, dragging on the ground, investigators said.
The car was pulled over and Michael Leslie Clouse, 26, was arrested and booked for investigation of armed robbery.
A plastic replica handgun allegedly was found inside his purse, Penko said.
This sounds like the kind of crime I'd get wrapped up in.
Wait! Calf boots with an evening gown? No wonder he's in jail.