<$Susan Goodwill$>

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Writer's Horoscope Link

Author TJ MacGregor offers great and insightful writer's horosopes on her website.
In the Now You Tell Me department, here's an excerpt from the March 2006 Forecast Overview:
The first Mercury retrograde of the year begins on March 2 and ends on the 25 th . For writers, any Mercury retrograde is a big deal and the best way to navigate it is to rewrite, revise, and rethink what you're doing. It's wise not to submit your work to an agent or an editor during this period and to delay signing contracts until after Mercury has turned direct again. Somehow, manuscripts submitted when Mercury is retrograde have a way of not arriving or getting lost in the mail room. I know of at least one agent who won't submit anything when Mercury is retrograde.
Jupiter, the most positive planet in the zodiac and the ruler of publishing, turns retrograde on the 4 and doesn't turn direct again until early July. On top of Mercury's movement, this is a double ouch. All of Jupiter's expansive energy is turned inward and if you can use it in some way to enhance your story, plot, characters, you'll be much happier.
Click on the link below to surf to her site and get the rest as well as the skinny on your sign.


As always, we're keeping watch over the stupid crooks of the world:
Thief Stuck in Bank's Chimney Rescued
Sat Mar 25, 4:35 AM ET
GRANGER, Wash. - A man found stuck in a Washington bank chimney didn't try to cover up his intent. "We asked him what he was doing down there and he said, 'What do you think? I'm trying to rob the bank," said Police Chief Robert Perales.
Firefighters threw down a rope and pulled out a soot-covered 26-year-old man, who was arrested on the spot. ... They discovered the stuck suspect after finding the top had been removed from the ventilation shaft for the furnace.

Wouldn't you--um-- like slide it back on over your head?