<$Susan Goodwill$>

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Win Prizes!

When you send your picture for BrigaDOOM is on the MOVE, include your name and address. If we post yours, you will receive this lovely Kate London Mysteries lapel pin. Okay, that isn't the ACTUAL pin, it's the design, but trust me, it will be lovely. (See my previous post for details.)

BrigaDOOM is on the Move!!!

They say when a book is published, it takes on a life of its own. Apparently, this is true. BrigaDOOM has taken to traveling the world without me!

Here's BrigaDOOM on Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland.

If you spot BrigaDOOM in an unusual place, please send me a snapshot through my website e-mail at http://www.susangoodwill.com/

Where will it turn up next?