<$Susan Goodwill$>

Monday, April 03, 2006

Publishing Blog and Trish MacGregor Links

I was just over at Trish MacGregor's actual website. Veddy cool. And I love discovering an author whose books I haven't read. I don't know how I missed her, but I'll fix it soon.
The Tango Key series with the psychic detective is so intriguing, and we've always loved her writer's horoscopes at Booktalk. See my post on that a week or so ago for the link.
And then I realized her name sounded familiar for a reason, she taught at the Writer's Retreat Workshop-- my three time alma-mater! Unfortunately for me , she taught in 2002, I attended the first time in 2003. Drat. I missed it. Maybe another year. I'll put her link in with our permanent ones over at the side. http://www.tjmacgregor.com

Anna Genoese from TOR gives us the skinny on how it all works in the publishing biz. Production, accounting, editorial, PR, the works. If you're interested in being published or are somewhere in the process, you might want to check it out! http://alg.livejournal.com/76744.html
Off to write.