BrigaDOOM Cover Art

Midnight Ink is known for their excellent cover art. I think that this one--for Sue Ann Jaffarian's Too Big To Miss-- won an award. Excellent graphic, isn't it???
Well, I can't show you yet, but I just saw the final cover design for BrigaDOOM, and I must say--it is gorgeous!!
I can't wait to see what the artist they've chosen for my cover--whose work is fabulous by the way -- does with the design. I mean, the basic composition-- the one the art department at Midnight Ink rendered-- is so cool, I would've been happy just with that. Then when you look at the artist's work-- well--- you can see it will be even more gorgeous when she gets through with it. I'm not allowed to show you the artist yet either. All very hush-hush, dontcha know???
Okay-- enough gushing. You can view more Midnight Ink Books here:
Hopefully in the next month or so, I can show you guys the final BrigaDOOM product. I am so excited I can't stand it.