Good Writing Weather

It's good writing weather here in Michigan. Today is foggy and snowy, and it's nice to be inside.
With the holidays behind and a few months of winter out in front, it's a favorite time of year for me to hunker in my garret with my current work in progress. Right now it's La Cage aux Foul Play. Little Shop of Murders is on its way to the world, and my first baby, BrigaDOOM has survived, even thrived, for almost a year now.
So, I've brewed a cup of tea and tossed an afghan over my lap. I've lit a candle to the muses, put some classical on the headphones, and I'm ready to dive into my story. Going back to La Cage aux Foul Play is like seeing an old friend on a winter's afternoon.
Today my only orders are to say hello, to show up, to make a joyful noise.
Hello, old friend.