Deck something

Good morning folks!
Confession time.
I have been a real slacker in the writing department. At least in the new writing department.
I've had a few nips and tucks to make on the BrigaDOOM pages this week, and I partially revised a scene Tuesday for Little Shop. Yesterday, I did nada. Wednesday I did nada.
I'm not sure how today will go. It's this Christmas thing, dontcha know... I have a sleigh-full of family coming in for the holidays, and the things I've learned to tolerate around the house just aren't cutting it for the big-tent Christmas blowout extravaganza. Plus, there's the shopping, don't get me started on the shopping. And we don't even do many gifts!
Don't get me wrong. I love Christmas and once it's pulled together sometime around 11:59 on December 24th, I totally enjoy it.
Just kidding. Just kidding.
In the writing department, the lovely thing is that January stretches like a serene white wonderland after the silver, red, green, and gold of Christmas chaos, commercialism, and cheer. JaNoWriMo anyone?