<$Susan Goodwill$>

Monday, January 01, 2007

Second Chances

I was surfing through Salon.com and snatched this photo from http://www.fotolog.com/yolima/ posted with today's date in her fotolog. I have no idea where it was taken, but it was so perfect I had to shoplift it.

I personally love fresh starts and second chances--clean slates and blank pages waiting to be filled. I have yet to make my new year's resolutions or my goal lists. I certainly have a few in mind. Because I am finishing a book in January, and gearing up for the release of Brigadoom in March, it almost feels like my new year will come later. For now, in the month of January, I will keep on keeping on. And for 2007, I resolve to be kind to others and to myself.

Happy New Year everyone.