NaNoWriMo and Miscellany

So, tomorrow starts the crazy, hazy, word-count-frenzied National Novel Writing Month. Thousands and thousands of caffeine crazed individuals take part in the Novel in a Month 50,000 word challenge.
There will be write-ins, blogs, forums, even NaNoWriMo radio.
The adage misery loves company gains new meaning for the NaNo-ers by around Thanksgiving.
Wish everybody luck! Yours truly will particpate, but on a peripheral basis using the somewhat resented Zokutou clause. I will be writing to find the end of the current book in progress, Little Shop of Murders, featuring the ever popular Audrey Two pictured here.
And while I'm posting links-- here's an interesting formula for mysteries:
Mystery Don't know if I agree, but he, if it helps use it!
And guess what, my book is on the Midnight Ink site: MidnightInk
Would you believe it's already on Amazon and Overstock? And it doesn't even go to press until December with a March release date.
And lastly-- try your skill. These two pictures are identical exceot for three small differences. If you can find all three, you are part of an elite group. 800 folks were tested and only 19 could find all three. hint--Look really close at the town.
And last but not least--Bwah-hah-hah!
Happy Halloween!