Nano #7
Chris Baty sent out his wonderful day 7 NaNoWriMo e-mail this morning encouraging people to move on in spite of the internal editor.
There's magic in the pages once we let go. Push through it! Write anyway!
Do as I say not as I do!
I firmly believe I sometimes have to write the junk to get to the good stuff. But I did need to do what I did with research yesterday. Writing will be fun again now.
Today's tip comes from First Draft in 30 Days a novel writer's system for building a complete and cohesive manuscript by Karen S. Weisner. This book is valuable for the charts on the appendix section alone. This is an outline driven system and not for the seat-of-the-pantser, but the charts are wonderful.
From page 87, we have:
What are the characters seeing touching, smelling, hearing, and tasting?
What are they wearing, and how does their clothing affect the other persons in the scene?
Where are they within the scene? Is there anything near them that holds meaning to them, and if so, what and why?
What are their expressions? Do they seem nervous, emotional, guarded?
What is happening around them? What is the POV character's reaction to the events?
What are they thinking?
If there are other characters in the scene, does the POV character know them? If he does, how does this relationship affect him?