Writing as a Subversive Act

So I'm a huge fan of Boston Legal.
I think I love two things, the writers of the series are at least as crazy as I am. And somehow they always manage in the midst of an absolutely wacked out show to convey a message (usually both sides of it) on a controversial topic. Whether it is the sanctity of the confessional--anyone see the episode where the priest was shielding the child molester?-- How they could make THAT subject have funny moments, well, you just had to see it-- to last week's riff on the food additives that are making us fat and sick, specifically the high fructose corn syrup.
The show is amazing. I love it when writing can change the world. And I love it most when it is done so subtly and with such great hilarity. That show ROCKS.
And you've got to love William Shatner's television resurrection, itself an act of redemption from the typecasting hell of Captain James T. Kirk and those silly commercials. Who knew he was so hilarious???
Denny Crane. Mad Cow. Denny Crane.
I have a quote in front of my computer- not about BL but just something I hope to hear someday about my own work--"Deeply funny and wonderfully satisfying social satire." Here's to the writers of Boston legal-- You've got it, baby, you've got it!
What's your favorite show, book, or movie that you consider was written as a subtle subversive act?