NaNo #25 Mystery Links

Well Folks,
It's the last day of my defunct and suspect "Zokuto Clause" NaNoWriMo experience. I must say I am thrilled with the results. It has been a great ride with a lot of support and commiseration from my fellow NaNo-ites. Some of us will be continuing to hold each other accountable through December. I look forward to that and to a (slightly) polished novel for beta readers by mid month.
I have a beginning middle and end to my story and am in the second draft (depending on where you look -- it might be the fortieth draft of some scenes and the first draft of others.) But folks, it has a beginning, middle, and end!Anyway, I found some cool links to give you today. You'll just have to trust me and click to see what's here. Hint: the last one is aWriters' Forensics Site, the first will tell you how to bury a clue.