Killer Conferences

Hi Everybody,
I haven't posted for a while because I have been verry busy. I, just this past weekend, attended my first Malice Domestic. It was amazing and exciting and a dream come true!
This is the big conference in Arlington, Virginia, where the Agatha is given out for the best mysteries of the cozy persuasion. I then drove--well, my significant other, Bob, drove, bless is soul-- with two of my dear author friends, Jack Getze , author of the debut novel, Big Numbers, and Christine Goff, author of the Birdwater's Mysteries, to Pittsburgh.
Today, we have tea with a few hundred librarians. How cool is that? And tonight, we attend the twelfth annual Festival of Mystery in Oakmont, PA., sponsored by the home of my very first bestseller list, the absolutely wonderful Mystery Lovers Bookshop. I am in the part of the country where I was raised. Signing books. Life is good.
P.S. Nancy Martin, author of the Blackbird Sisters Mysteries moderated our panel at Malice Domestic. What a wonderful lady. I have been a fan of hers for years, so this was another out-of-body moment--she said she loved my book! And I just found out that she posted about it on her blog-- The Lipstick Chronicles on May 3rd.
Life is really good.