Booksigning and Atlantis Rising

This weekend I stopped in at my local Barnes & Noble and got my first glimpse of the publicity for my booksigning. Posters of the book cover for BrigaDOOM and my picture adorned the big plate glass windows, and a display table loaded with books and flyers graced the table by the row of cash registers.
It was so exciting to see! I wish I had brought my camera so I could share this. I'll snap a picture at the signing.
It really was one of those moments where it hit me. I am living out my dream!
For those of you local to the Detroit area, the signing is next Saturday, March 31st, 2:00PM-4:00 PM at the Bloomfield Hills Barnes & Noble, 15 Mile and Telegraph.
And speaking of living the dream, I chatted with a friend last night who, get this, hit the bestseller lists this week! As in USA Today, BookScan, B&N. Alyssa Day AKA Alesia Holliday has hit with her break-out paranormal romance "Atlantis Rising." And it's a series.
Congratulations Alyssa!!!